Class Environmental Assessment Process
The Study is being completed in accordance with MTO’s Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities, 2000 (Class EA) as a Group ‘B’ project. Group ‘B’ projects represent major improvements to provincial transportation facilities.
An online Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to present the recommended plan of the proposed Highway 40 improvements and provide an opportunity for public input for consideration on the Study. Following the online PIC the recommended plan will be confirmed based on comments received. Next, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will be prepared to document the Class EA process followed and will include:
A description of the existing Study Area, traffic and environmental conditions
A description and evaluation of the alternatives
The Recommended Plan
A description of the consultation completed for the Study
Environmental impacts, mitigation, and protection measures that will be implemented
Identification of all project approvals, licenses and permits that have been or must be obtained and commitments to future work.
The TESR will be made available for a comment period of 30 calendar days to allow stakeholders an opportunity to provide comments.