Project Overview

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is carrying out this Study for the widening of 7.0 km of Highway 40 from Indian Road to 0.6 km north of Wellington Street, located in the City of Sarnia within the County of Lambton, shown in the map below. Within the Study Area, Highway 40 is currently a 2-lane undivided highway with a number of at grade intersections and side road entrances. The Study is following the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project in accordance with the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities, 2000 (Class EA).

As part of the Study, the Project Team will consider alternatives identified in the previous Preliminary Design Study that was undertaken in 2004 within the context of current transportation and environmental conditions within the Study Area to determine the technically preferred alternative. As part of determining the technically preferred alternative, options will be assessed and recommendations will be made for the following improvements:

  • Highway widening

  • Intersection improvements

  • Municipal road realignments and/or closures

  • Drainage including culverts

  • Illumination

  • Signalization

  • CN Rail overhead structure

  • Commercial and private entrances to Highway 40 and municipal crossing roads